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Ready to create a peaceful relationship to food and your body? 

Ready to redirect your time, energy, and money towards things that actually bring you joy and pleasure? 

I would LOVE to help you do that!

Deseas tener una relacion tranquila con la comida y tu cuerpo? 

Estas lista para redirigir tu tiempo, energia, y dinerito para las cosas que realmente te traen placer y felicidad?

Me encantaria ayudarte en el proceso! 

Happy in Tuscany
Coffee and croissant
Summer strawberries
Triple cream brie
Desayuno en la costa Chilena

1:1 Food & Body Image Coaching

Learn to tune out societal chatter and beliefs about food, health and body and begin tuning in to your own body's signals through Intuitive Eating.

Diet-Free, Happy Me! Program

This 12 week program takes you through the Intuitive Eating process step by step. Includes 1:1 coaching, weekly emails  which include short educational videos of the week's topic, and others.

Nutrition Consulting

Do you have a specific non-weight loss related health or nutrition concern? Receive a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan in written format. Includes a 60 min call, written plan, and half hour follow-up. 

1:1 Intuitive Drinking Coaching 

Ready to change your drinking habit? Intuitive Drinking coaching  uses the Intuitive Eating foundation of curiosity and self-compassion. This coaching helps you challenge your drinking habit and learn to drink less. 

Hi! I'm Violeta,
a bread-loving Nutritionist,
Certified Intuitive Eating counselor
& Integrative Life Coach

I help women improve their relationship to food & body
Ayudo a las mujeres mejorar su relacion con la comida y sus cuerpos

No seriously, I friggin' LOVE bread...and wine...but I cut it way back that is (I also work with women to help them improve their relationship to drinking). 

I like to consider myself a "gourmet" gal, especially when I prepare a nice pasta made with fresh tomatoes and basil topped with crumbly goat feta and kalamata olives. But I don't care much for trendy foods.  I prefer the nostalgic flavours of a seafood empanada when visiting the coast of Chile. Beyond that, I wouldn't say I have the finest palate. I just love the foods that I do. Good enough for me. I'm also practical and sometimes eat fish sticks, frozen pizza, and packaged soups. I'm not a "food quality" snob like I used to be. More important things to spend my energy on. 

But I wasn't always like this (except for the wine and cheese part). 

As much as I love food, I also stopped being obsessed with it. Like planning my next meal before I was done the previous one. Studying menus and ingredient lists. Counting carb portions. Avoiding processed foods. Eating snack-like meals. Controlling what others' ate. Feeling guilty for eating a whole banana, or mucho pan at tea time. 


My life stopped revolving around food.  

And while your relationship to food may look different than mine did, maybe you feel out of control or undisciplined around food, both rigidity and out-of-control-ness rob you of experiencing true peace and pleasure in life.  

I'm sharing this with you because enjoying and loving food without the obsession and guilt is incredibly freeing! 

Eating is both fun, pleasurable AND sometimes feels like a chore AND is sometimes uninteresting. Kinda like life. And that's perfectly ok! 

Intuitive Eating is about learning to listen to and trust your body with food, while tuning out diet culture messaging. It's thinking differently about your body. It's finding peace in eating. It's embracing health beyond numbers. 

Learn more about my journey...

En español...

Me encanta el pan...y tambien el vino...pero lo he reducido bastante...el vino, no el pan (tambien ayudo a las mujeres mejorar su relacion con el alcol). ​

Gozo de la comida y me siento de lo mas gourmet cuando preparo una rica pasta con tomates fresco, albaca, queso feta, y aceitunas. Y la verdad es que no soy muy fanatica de los restaurantes 'hip'. Prefiero los sabores nostalgicos de una empanada de mariscos en la costa Chilena. 


No soy tan fina. Me gustan las comidas que me gustan y con eso estoy bien. Tambien soy practica y a veces me preparo comida congelada, o sopas envasadas. Para mi ya no es prioridad preocuparme que las comidas sean de la mejor calidad. 

Pero no siempre fui asi. 

Me encanta la comida pero ya no me obsesiono con ella. Por ejemplo, en el pasado solia planear lo que iba a comer a cada rato, estudiaba los menus de los restaurantes antes de visitarlos, contaba las porciones de carbohidratos, evitaba la mayoria de las comidas procesadas, me servia porciones de 'snack' al almuerzo, controlaba lo que los otros comian, me sentia culpable cuando me comia un platano entero, o mucho pan a la once. 

Mi vida dejo de ser rodeada por la comida. 

Y alomejor tu relacion con la comida es distinta a lo que era la mia. Alomejor te sientes fuera de control con la comida. Pero ambos, rigidez y sentirse fuera de control, te previenen de sentirte realmente tranquila y contenta en la vida.


Comparto esto contigo porque disfrutar la comida sin obsesion y culpababilidad es realmente liberante.  

La nutricion intuitiva se trata de escuchar al cuerpo y a la vez aprender a silenciar los mensajes de la cultura de la dieta. La nutricion intuitiva es comer en paz, y cuidar nuestra salud mas alla de los numeros. 

Good Enough!

Weekly Email Series 

 For food loving women who want to ditch dieting and feel at peace with themselves and life. Receive weekly actionable tips and insights on all things, food, eating, body, health, mindset, and habits (like drinking), within a container of Intuitive Eating & Body Neutrality. 



Pensive by the espresso machine

Hi! I'm Violeta, a bread-loving nutritionist, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and Integrative Life coach. I'm passionate about helping women reconnect with their passions and interests while healing their relationship to food, body or alcohol. 


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wellness trap.jpg
Biology of desire by Mark Lewis
Intuitive Eating Book 4th edition
Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison
Gentle Nutrition by Rachael Hartley
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