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Wanna learn to ditch the food drama? 
Feel better about your body? 
Drink less?   

My journey to drinking less and to becoming an Intuitive Eater weren't all that different. One thing they had in common was that I often felt like I was doing it wrong.


Brain: "You know you're only having these almonds because they're healthy, not because you actually want to eat them. You're still health obsessed!" 


Brain: "Having more than 2 drinks tonight? I see you really haven't changed much. You're still your same 'ol party girl drinking self!" 


My thoughts were rooted in black & white thinking. I felt like there was a "correct" way to eat and drink that I hadn't quite figured out.

And what I realized later on is that this is actually a normal part of the Intuitive Eating & Drinking process. It's how we learn to trust ourselves and begin healing our relationship to food, body, and drinking. They're not quick fixes. Far from it! 

Nor are they based on rules, a right or wrong list, or an end product. 


Intuitive Eating is an anti-diet, weight-neutral, self-care philosophy rooted in curiosity and self-compassion. Intuitive Drinking uses the same foundational principles. Both are gentle, unconventional approaches to exploring your relationship to food, body and drinking. Ones that centre around you, your emotional and mental well-being,  and your enoughness. 


Click here to get started on your Intuitive Eating journey. And here for Intuitive Drinking. 

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Quieres aprender a comer sin drama?
Aceptar tu cuerpo?
Beber menos?   

La alimentación intuitiva nos ayuda a sanar nuestra relación complicada con la comida y nuestros cuerpos, sea la obsesión con las comidas sanas, o el miedo de comer comidas que "engordan". Beber intuitivamente es parecido, pero con respecto al alcohol.


El proceso de ambos puede llegar a crear confusión y conflicto interno. Porque, a diferencia de las dietas, la alimentación intuitiva no tiene meta final. Es un proceso personal basado en neutralidad corporal.


Algunos pensamientos que yo tuve al empezar ambos procesos fueron...


“Me quiero comer estas almendras, pero eso significara que sigo obsesionada con las comidas ultra sanas?”


“Me tomé mas de 2 tragos anoche. Eso significara que estoy volviendo a mis viejos habitos?”

Mis pensamientos estaban basados en el blanco y negro.


Pero lo que no estaba tomando en cuenta es que la alimentación intuitiva - y el beber...-  son procesos, no soluciones rápidas. Y así es como se desarrolla la auto-confianza. 


No están basadas en reglas, ni en listas de bueno y malo, ni son metas para lograr. 


La alimentación intuitiva es una filosofía anti-dieta, y es gentíl. Ambos procesos intuitivos se enfocan en tu bienestar emocional, e invita auto-compasión, y curiosidad sin prejuicios. 


Haz click aquí para empezar tu camino en la alimentación intuitiva.  Y aquí para aprender a beber intuitivamente. 

Ofrezco coaching en español!

1:1 Food, Body Image & Drinking Coaching

Learn more about how coaching can help you have a healthier relationship to food, your body, or drinking.

Time for Less Wine!

A 1:1 coaching program for for women who want to start drinking less without quitting. The program is rooted in the Intuitive Eating philosophy of self-compassion and curiosity versus judgement.

Good Enough! email series

 For food loving women who want to ditch dieting and feel at peace with themselves and life. Receive weekly tips and insights on all things, food, eating, body, health, mindset, and drinking, within a container of Intuitive Eating & Body Neutrality. 

Good Enough!

Weekly Email Series 

 For food loving women who want to ditch dieting and feel at peace with themselves and life. Receive weekly actionable tips and insights on all things, food, eating, body, health, mindset, and habits (like drinking), within a container of Intuitive Eating & Body Neutrality. 

Hi! I'm Violeta, a bread-loving Nutritionist &
Certified Intuitive Eating counselor

I help women improve their relationship to food & body,
and drinking!

No seriously, I friggin' LOVE bread...and wine...but I cut it way back that is. 

I'm a nutritionist who's dabbled in a little bit of everything: health education, academics, holistic nutrition, weight loss, blood sugar management, and finally, Intuitive Eating.  

I was really happy to discover Intuitive Eating because weight loss counseling felt wrong deep in my core. The way women described themselves and their bodies sounded as if there was something fundamentally wrong with them, and weight loss was going to fix them. I didn't want to contribute to this perpetuation of body hate. 

But it didn't end at Intuitive Eating. There was something else. 


I couldn't fully relate to women when they would describe their struggles with food. But the language they used, which was charged with with strong emotion and self-loathing, resembled the way I felt about my drinking.  

The guilt and regret. 

The feeling out of control. 

The loneliness drinking.


The constant thoughts of drinking. 

The "I'm good all day (or week), and bad in the evening (or on the weekend)".

And on and on. 

We weren't that different. Similar struggle. Different substance. 

And so I began my Intuitive Drinking journey. Intuitive Drinking uses the same principles and foundations as Intuitive Eating, and is grounded in curiosity and self-compassion versus judgement. 

Learn more about my journey...

En español...

Ayudo a las mujeres mejorar su relacion con la comida, sus cuerpos...y el alcol! 

Me encanta el pan...y tambien el vino...pero lo he reducido bastante...el vino, no el pan (tambien ayudo a las mujeres mejorar su relacion con el alcol). ​

Gozo de la comida y me siento de lo mas gourmet cuando preparo una rica pasta con tomates fresco, albaca, queso feta, y aceitunas. Y la verdad es que no soy muy fanatica de los restaurantes 'hip'. Prefiero los sabores nostalgicos de una empanada de mariscos en la costa Chilena. 


No soy tan fina. Me gustan las comidas que me gustan y con eso estoy bien. Tambien soy practica y a veces me preparo comida congelada, o sopas envasadas. Para mi ya no es prioridad preocuparme que las comidas sean de la mejor calidad. 

Pero no siempre fui asi. 

Me encanta la comida pero ya no me obsesiono con ella. Por ejemplo, en el pasado solia planear lo que iba a comer a cada rato, estudiaba los menus de los restaurantes antes de visitarlos, contaba las porciones de carbohidratos, evitaba la mayoria de las comidas procesadas, me servia porciones de 'snack' al almuerzo, controlaba lo que los otros comian, me sentia culpable cuando me comia un platano entero, o mucho pan a la once. 

Mi vida dejo de ser rodeada por la comida. 

Y alomejor tu relacion con la comida es distinta a lo que era la mia. Alomejor te sientes fuera de control con la comida. Pero ambos, rigidez y sentirse fuera de control, te previenen de sentirte realmente tranquila y contenta en la vida.


Comparto esto contigo porque disfrutar la comida sin obsesion y culpababilidad es realmente liberante.  

La nutricion intuitiva se trata de escuchar al cuerpo y a la vez aprender a silenciar los mensajes de la cultura de la dieta. La nutricion intuitiva es comer en paz, y cuidar nuestra salud mas alla de los numeros. 



Pensive by the espresso machine

Hi! I'm Violeta, a bread-loving nutritionist, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and Integrative Life coach. I'm passionate about helping women reconnect with their passions and interests while healing their relationship to food, body or alcohol. 


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