Jan 144 min read
Is Intuitive Eating Anti Weight Loss?
Intuitive Eating is a weight neutral, anti-diet, self-care philosophy. Intuitive Eating is often perceived as being anti-weight loss....
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Jan 134 min read
Women and Weight Loss: your body isn't flawed
Since becoming an Intuitive Eating counselor a few years ago I may have said (or written) anti weight loss type things. And that’s...
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Nov 12, 20246 min read
3 tips to feel good about yourself without losing weight
Many women - and people in general - believe they will finally start feeling better about themselves after they lose weight. As if losing...
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Oct 30, 20243 min read
Drinking Less with Intuitive Drinking
From drinking regrets to peaceful drinking. How Intuitive Drinking helped me make peace with drinking.
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Oct 7, 20242 min read
What it really means to eat intuitively
Intuitive Eating is a concept not many people are familiar with. Many think it's about listening to your body with the hopes you'll end...
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Sep 26, 20244 min read
Do you really need to go on another diet?
No! End of blog. Just kidding. But do hear me out. I travelled to Chile earlier this year and reflected quite a bit on something. It’s...
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Sep 19, 20245 min read
Who's turn is it to clean the bathroom? 3 Tips to help you deal with stress
You’ve probably read a health article, or even a brochure at the doctor’s office at some point, that lists “reduce stress” as a...
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